Friday, October 5, 2012

Torn Apart: Week 3 (I John 2:1-6)

Branch Parents

I hope that this week's blog post finds you each doing well.  We are continuing the really wonderful trend of having great attendance in WNL as we're averaging about 45 students per week now.  Holy cow, that's pretty incredible considering that the average hovered around 20 when I first came to Westbury.  In addition to that, we have 58 students signed up for the Fall Retreat in November!  God is blessing this ministry and seemingly adding to our number every week.  Amen.

Before I launch into the Word for this week, I just want to tell you that I think your children are phenomenal.  Here's why: I've watched the videos for the past two weeks of WNL and have come to notice that I'm pretty long-winded (surprised?).  Both sermons have been around 53 or so minutes...whew!  However, some of this is due to the fact that my sermons are composed of dialogue and not merely monologue.  In any case, I said that to say this: your students do a wonderful job of staying engaged and focused - much better than I would have done at their age.  They are forming the valuable character trait of being able to remain focused on something without needing a lot of bells and whistles.  And as a youth minister who is serious about the Word, that makes me very happy.  Great job, parents.  Here is the link to Branch's video page, where you'll find this past week's sermon and outline:

Branch Youth Ministry Video Page

These are the primary truths that I wanted your students to take home with them after WNL:
  • Christ took on Himself the punishment that our sins deserved so that we could be free to experience the fullness of God.
  • Christians should not be comfortable with sin; it doesn't make since to be saved from sin in order to return to it.
  • Forgiveness of sin is only the first step in a Christian's salvation; God then works through our obedience to make us more like Christ.
  • Our love for God is perfected by our obedience.
 Here are some questions for discussion and reflection:
  • Other than simply not going to Heaven, what would happen if Jesus didn't die on the cross for our sins?
  • What causes Christians to be comfortable with sin?
  • How can we work to not be comfortable with sin?
  • Do you show that you trust and love God through continual obedience or empty, short-lived promises.
  • If God changes our hearts through our continued obedience, then what happens when we don't obey?
  • Why do you think most Christians feel like, once they've been "saved", there isn't much more to the Christian except to die and go to Heaven?
  • Was your salvation about you or about God?
  • Do you think that God intends for our relationship with Him to be boring? Obligational?
  • Do you enjoy God?  I mean for real...
Alright parents, good luck.  I don't know about you, but I think these questions are great not only for discussion with your knuckleheads, but for self-reflection too.  God's Word is a double-edged sword, and I have a few deep lacerations in my hands right now!
