Monday, September 5, 2011

Kickoff Post

Parents of Branch Teens

Welcome to the Branch Youth Ministry Parents page. Bookmark this thing!  This page was created in order to give parents of Branch students, adult leaders and myself a forum for discussing ideas, concerns, and issues related to parenting teenagers in the context of growing in their Christian faith.  From time to time, I will post something to this page for the specific purpose of discussion among of all us.  Therefore, I highly encourage you to comment on every post.  The great thing about something like this is that it gives all of us the opportunity to share with each other our experiences and knowledge related to parenting.  We can share our fears.  We can share our concerns.  We can even share our disagreements.  However, in the end, I think that a forum like this really helps us to have a consistent dialogue regarding the most important calling that we all share - parenting.  First post coming soon.  Please feel free to subscribe to this page so that you'll be notified via email when the page is updated with a new post.